Hey beauty,
Before I share my story with you
Here are 3 principles I live by and I think you should know first…
Everything I do, I bear the consequences!
A principle I learned from my father. I am responsible for the outcomes of the decisions I make for my life. People can influence my decisions, toughen or ease the process but they can’t lay claim to the outcome of my choices.
Time changes everything!
Time is a powerful tool and it’s everyone’s leverage. With time, every pain, achievement, gain, experience fades away. I have learned not to hold on too tight to negative experiences and celebrate my achievements with a mindset that time changes things. Learn from your experiences, stay inspired and keep it moving!
It’s never too late to start again and it’s too early to give up!
I try as much as possible to give enough time to everything I do because I don’t believe in abandoned projects due to frustration. However, I don’t mind changing my strategy by starting afresh when things are not going according to plan or I encounter any challenge. Life is all about learning and getting back up.
Here’s something to think about…
If you were given a chance to start over, would you take it? So, why not now?
I am Yemi. A self-discovery coach, Author, and Teacher committed to helping you get back up, discover your unique value, and reinvent yourself without stress.
Some years ago,
I lost my mum and it was only a few years before that I learned she was my biological mother. I had grown so used to my step mum that I couldn’t believe she wasn’t my real mother. Like any curious human being, I had a lot of questions on my mind that I didn't know who to ask or let's say I didn't want to annoy anyone or seem ungrateful for their love.
In High school or secondary school (as we call it in my home country Nigeria), I read the book gifted hands by Ben Carson. Thank God for whoever lent me that book. That was one of the first books that shaped my thinking!
It wasn't Ben Carson’s famous surgeries that changed my approach to life, but his mother's story and her parenting strategy.
Anyways, not to bore you out, I knew thereon that… no matter what I face in life, I would always get back up.
If a woman who couldn’t read or write, could let go of an unfulfilling marriage with 2 boys and nothing else, not knowing what the future holds… if she could be brave enough to choose a path she felt was the right decision against all odds… and was able to raise brilliant and inspiring men, then I too would always encourage myself to do what’s right by God and myself.
Of course, it wasn't smooth sailing (life and its nature, right?) I struggled with my self-esteem in high school, was too uptight in University, couldn't communicate or receive help from others (I would rather give), was very judgmental, focused on making my father proud of me, avoiding stress, and the list goes on and on…
But, somehow in the middle of all this, I was learning. I knew I had more than I was doing, but I didn’t know-how to do more.
Then came the trigger!
Someone very close to me said to me one day, “Yemi, you are not living up to your potential” and that stung…
I felt like I had stayed too long avoiding stress and I needed to challenge myself, if I ever wanted to be the woman I had always dreamed of. So, I decided to find resources and create time for myself to learn and evolve. The right opportunity came and I embarked on my self-discovery journey and ever since I've enjoyed helping others get back up by discovering their unique value.
And I want to help you too…
Hey Beauty,
Now, you know me better,
So, how can I help you right now?
Her Fresh Start Roadmap
An intensive 8weeks 1:1 coaching program that empowers you to get back up, regain your self-worth, redefine yourself, and …
The "Unstuck" Strategy
A life audit service in 2 sessions and it’s super tailored to one specific challenge you need to get solved right now in other to …
A Smart Girl's guide to Freedom
A simplified self-help eBook that serves as a perfect guide to discovering your uniqueness, redefining yourself, and leveraging…
Think about this…
Starting over to rediscover and reinvent yourself doesn't necessarily mean you crash everything and start from ground zero. NO! Every day you wake is a fresh start. A time to do things right and better. A time to redefine and rebuild. A time to get back up. A time for a fresh start!
I want you to know that you were not created to fit but to flourish at every season of life. That’s why my goal is to help you get back up, rediscover yourself, and unleash your value so that you can live a more fulfilling life (plus enjoy meaningful full relationships).

What People Are Saying
Honestly, Yemi is the coach I never knew I needed. I knew I had to do something about the challenges I was facing in my life but I was overwhelmed with all information out there. She made it easy for me to understand why I was stuck, helped me gain clarity on how to move past my rejections and trauma, and also helped me a adopt better mindset to approach things independently. The 8 weeks was a time of renewal for me.”
— Precious A.
Purpose and Mission:
Our purpose stems from my African upbringing and environment. The average woman is not encouraged to re-discover herself and reinvent herself when life doesn’t go according to plan, rather the pressure around prompts her to manage and fit into a space that doesn’t suit her potential. On her fresh start coaching provides you the courage to break free from pressure, condition, and limiting mindsets on your journey to a new and fulfilling life.
Our mission is to see more women leading great lives by changing the narratives and adopting a growth mindset to life.
Chat with me
Tell me where you feel stuck right now, and I’ll give you three (3) recommendations on how to get back up!
What are you waiting for…
Hurry, book a free session now!